Sunday, July 26, 2015

School Visit about BPO and Climate Change

School where presentation was made

Carol - overlooking Savusavu Bay

School children in the schoolyard

School Visit about BPO and Climate Change

July 24 2015

An opportunity came up to talk to several local classes about the BPO's mission to highlight climate change. One of the parents saw the splash guards that we have with the BPO logo. He was familiar with the rally and personally interested in anything he could do to increase the awareness among the children here. He arranged with the principal and teachers for us to meet with 2 classes of Gr 7 students on Fri. Despite the short notice and not having photos ready, we were very well received. We talked about any of the things we noticed on the trip, on various islands, that were related to climate change or protecting our oceans. Also we could share what other countries and school children have been able to do.

Some of the things we discussed were the rising water levels and the effect, in particular, on low lying islands like San Blas, and Tuamotos. There is a local Fijian Island where the village is being relocated to the rain forest as their homes disappear. The residents of the country, Tokelau, have also been offered land here. We mentioned a class in the Marquesas that asked the government to protect a local reef and the laws were put in place. Each island has some laws that protect their environment. Being a politician or local activist is just as important as the scientists.

They wanted to know what they could do to help while they are still young. But also what would be some of the fields to study in university to make a difference. Other questions were related to the cause and symptoms of climate change. One thing their class will be doing later in the year is to clean up the mangroves along the creek. This will help with erosion and preservation of plants and marine life. We want to help with the sharing of ideas as we all live in the same world.

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