Carol participating in eye testing on Kapa Island |
Starfish - pretty, but apparently they destroy coral! |
Reef at Lapa Island at low tide |
Eye testing on Lape and Kapa Islands
July 8, 2015
The two out islands we have been visiting this week were chosen because we had arranged with the chief to do eye testing on the children there. Once again, many of the adults also wanted their eyes checked. We will try to stock up on more inexpensive reading glasses to distribute to them when we can. These islands are small so there are not many children total, but two boys will be sent glasses for distance from the company in Germany. One teenager and one adult were referred to the eye Dr at the hospital for more serious problems. Mon and Tues were school holidays because of the coronation so the kids were free to meet us in Felavai on Kapa. They start the study of English in Gr 3 so we got along fine with directions with help from the older ones.( In high school they add learning Japanese!)
On Sat we were anchored off the small island of Lape. The islanders put on a Tongan feast for us and any cruisers who would like to come. There were 40 of us for dinner. There was a tour of their island and the work they do. Mostly they do weaving and tapa cloth for sale in the markets. The feasts are done occasionally as fundraisers. So far they have built a concrete dock and started a public washroom with the money. There are only 26 residents.
The food was absolutely wonderful, with fish dishes and salads. It was centered around the 6 month old pig, which might not appeal to all. It was a chance, also, to visit with other cruisers. The majority here are from New Zealand.
Sun morning we awoke early to the music of whales "singing" and blowing. They come to this area of Tonga to breed this time of year. There are many tour boats going out to see them or swim with them. Despite keeping a look out we didn't see them, although boats next to us did. During the day, we dinghied over to a shallow coral reef to do some exploring. Lots of interesting creatures that were new to me, like sea cucumbers and dark blue starfish, and things that look like brown sticks with feet. Also saw sea urchins, octopus and jellyfish. Right off the boat I saw my first Portuguese Man of War.
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