Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Climate Change in the Cook Islands

Low lying islands around Suwarrow atoll

Climate Change in the Cook Islands

We were asking Harry, the Park Warden, what changes he has seen over the years on his job here. The weather is warmer and, for this area, wetter. This week's spell of squalls and high winds is unusual. . These low lying atolls notice even slight rises in sea level which causes flooding. The change that has affected them the most, however, is the disappearance of some species of fish that used to be a part of their regular diets.

Garbage is constantly washing up on the shores which is surprising as we passed no land and one boat in a week. Currently they are trying to eradicate rats that were brought in, and some invasive weeds. There are strict park rules for yachts leaving anything behind. Scientists from Raratonga come here to conduct research on numerous ocean topics.

I am currently reading Naomi Klein's book, "This Changed Everything". It is not so much on the science of climate change which most scientific communities agree on. Rather it discusses our responses and lack there of. It is not night time light reading but thought provoking, none the less.

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