Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Gentle Start

Yoles racing off Ste Annes, Martinique

Yole regatta

First time for our spinnaker

Sailing wing and wing

It is now Tues am and we are into a routine with ourselves and the boat. Conditions have been pretty benign so we have had a chance to work with the sails for following light winds. This is a novelty for Rob and I and Maggie as most of our sailing has been to windward. Yesterday Rob and Bob worked an hour to get the spinnaker set up which was a first. Should go faster next time. That improved our speed. For overnight we set up to travel "wing and wing" which is main sail to one side and foresail to the other. Again produced a good speed, 5 to 7 knots, for going straight west.

Now everyone is waiting for more wind. Yesterday there was only 6 to 10 knots which ave us a speed of 3 to 5 knots. The forecast is for a gradual increase and once we are passing Columbia a lot more. Showers an laundry are on the list now. Also, after writing this, Rob will work on how to send an email using the sat phone. The BPO has been sending a short weather update and our positions which we have yet to see.

The BPO start on Sun was fun. Weanchored in the bay to watch the local race which was quite a spectacle. When we chose the spots to anchor we didn't realize we would be right in the path of some of the boats. Having been hit once in a race we were a bit anxious but it made for great photos. Then at noon we all passed the start under sail with the horn and photos.

Eight boats were in Martinique preparing for the trip. In the end 5 of us left Sun. The other 3 boats plan on leaving as they are ready. One was awaiting insurance confirmation, one a ripped mainsail when they started and one awaiting their dinghy motor. By Monday no one was within site, but last night I could see 3 others. The boats are from the USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, England and Brazil. There are quite a few younger sailors between captains and crew. Not all the boats that were to leave from Key West were ready to go for various boat problems. We'll get more details in time. I think they may leave later and go straight to Panama. W will be stopping in the San Blas islands first. 

Another squall is approaching so I'll wind up for today.

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